What Are Some Examples Of Artificial Intelligence?

To some, artificial intelligence may seem like a scary and futuristic concept that is far more synonymous with science fiction rather than reality.

However, AI doesn’t always mean talking robots and apocalyptic disasters. In fact, we use AI technology all the time in our everyday lives.

what are some examples of artificial intelligence

For the past couple of decades, artificial intelligence (AI) has been evolving, and it is actively helping people and organizations to accomplish the unimaginable.

Providing machines the ability to think and assess has become one of the most difficult leaps ahead in the world of computers.

Companies have removed most of their monotonous duties as a result of the implementation of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, allowing them to focus on addressing unique and crucial problems.

While Artificial Intelligence is a broad phrase that encompasses a wide range of sub-domains, Machine Learning is among them.

Throughout this post, we will look at a few of the top examples of AI in everyday life.

Facial Recognition

Using face ID to unlock your smartphone is a relatively new security feature first made popular by Apple’s release of the iPhone X.

Since then, many companies have incorporated this feature into their products.

This technology is a form of artificial intelligence that many people use every single day.

Facial recognition technology works by creating a 3D map of the user’s face which is stored on the device. When a user tries to unlock their smartphone, the device will compare their face with the 3D map stored in the system.

If it’s a match, it’ll open. If not, you’ll receive an error message asking you to try again until the phone sees a face it recognizes as a user.

This technology is pretty advanced, and it keeps getting better and better.

For example, good facial recognition technology can still recognize faces even if they’re wearing glasses or more makeup than usual, as it registers facial structure and features rather than accessories.

Facial recognition technology is also used at airports for faster security checks. It’s even used when you use virtual filters on your Snapchat selfies.

Social Media

Social networking platforms make use of AI to analyze content, recommend connections, and offer adverts to potential consumers, among other things, to keep you engaged and “logged in”.

Using keyword detection and visual picture analysis, AI algorithms can detect and quickly remove troublesome content that breaches terms of service.

Deep learning’s artificial neural design is a key component of the method, but it doesn’t end there.

Since social media platforms understand that their users are their business, they use artificial intelligence to connect those users with advertising companies who have recognized their accounts as significant targets.

Social media AI can also determine what kind of content a person likes and recommend similar things to them.

The social media platform’s goals include employing artificial intelligence to detect mental health issues.

An algorithm, for instance, may scan content posted and read to identify suicidal behaviors.

Self-Driving Cars

Self-driving software, which was once deemed science fiction, is gradually making its way towards an autonomous reality.

In fact, by 2040, it is predicted that more than 33 million driverless vehicles would be on the roads.

We can thank artificial intelligence for the advancements we’re witnessing in very futuristic technology.

Deep learning, object recognition, image detection, motion sensors, and other AI-powered self-driving car technologies are used to accomplish activities such as transit and delivery services.

Driverless automobiles have a bright future since they can eliminate the ‘human error’ aspect from conventional driving.

In the event of a collision, the pre-programmed computer has the ability to think like a brain and make the necessary decisions more quickly. As a result, the number of accidents will be reduced.

Online Payments

What Are Some Examples Of Artificial Intelligence?

Running to the bank for each and every payment is a complete waste of time, and AI is one of the reasons you haven’t had to visit an in-branch bank for years.

Banks are now using artificial intelligence to help clients by streamlining financial transactions.

Advanced algorithms have enabled people to make deposits, move money, and even check accounts from anywhere, while also employing AI for protection, identity authentication, and privacy restrictions.

By tracking users’ spending and saving habits, suspected fraud can be identified. This is a form of artificial intelligence as well.

The algorithms understand what types of things a user purchases, when and where they generally purchase them, and what price range they fall into.

When an abnormal behavior occurs that does not match the user account, the system is capable of providing a warning or a reminder to authenticate transactions.


Dealing with customer support may be time-consuming and frustrating as a consumer. For businesses, it is an inadequate division that is often costly and difficult to operate.

The usage of AI chatbots is one increasingly common artificial intelligence answer to this. Algorithms allow computers to respond to frequently asked questions, collect and track shipments, and guide phone calls.

Natural language processing is used to train chatbots to mimic the conversational patterns of customer service agents (NLP).

Sophisticated chatbots no longer require precise input forms (for example, yes/no answers).

They can provide extensive responses to complex topics.

In addition, if you provide a poor rating for the answer you received, the bot will recognize the error and remedy it for the next time, assuring optimum customer happiness.

Search Engines

The most basic internet activity is browsing for stuff. Thus, for the last few years, Google Search has become the go-to web browser for all kinds of things.

So, what is it about Google Search that makes it such an accurate and precise index of the entire web?

You got it, artificial intelligence is at work in the background. When you look for items on the internet, you are practically employing AI in the genuine sense.

Google has incorporated some AI components to increase page ranking during the previous 3-4 years.

It now leverages AI on Google Search to advise a specific segment of the clip depending on your search term, as well as to quickly offer responses to questions that you might be engaged in, and to provide sophisticated search suggestions underneath the results page.

It is only because of artificial intelligence that you seldom have to go to the second page of Google Search.

So, if you’re curious about where you engage with AI in everyday life, it’s Google Search.

Artificial intelligence also comes into play when you use predictive text.

When you’re in the middle of looking for a specific subject in any internet software search field, you’ll get options to finish the sentence.

These recommendations are frequently useful in saving your time by precisely suggesting what is on your mind.

Since AI assists it in observing elements such as geographic region, browsing history, trending phrases, and so on, the software is able to guess the incomplete portion of the text.


Traveling has been vastly enhanced thanks to artificial intelligence. Instead of relying on paper maps or instructions, you may now use your device to contact Google, or Apple Maps and put in your location.

But, how does the software know how to get there? Furthermore, what about the best route, roadblocks, and heavy traffic?

Previously, just satellite-based GPS was accessible, but artificial intelligence is now being merged to provide customers with a far more advanced experience.

With machine learning, the algorithms memorize the boundaries of the structures that they have learned, allowing for improved visuals on the map as well as identification and processing of home and building numbers.

The program has also been trained to recognize and interpret shifts in traffic flow so that it may offer a route that avoids obstacles and delays.

Final Thoughts

Machine Learning techniques can be quickly trained to function better with an overflow of hard data from users, thus enhancing Artificial Intelligence.

The aforementioned are a few of the clearest examples of Artificial Intelligence in ordinary living that are widespread and improve the large bulk of our everyday routines.

This is sufficient evidence that AI is actually transforming our lives by making us smarter and more efficient so that we can focus on the big challenges.